Learning Objectives:
- What is big data and how does it relate to your research?
- Learn about emerging NIH data science activities and requirements
- Be more impactful with your science and your data
- Do better research by leveraging big data concepts
- Become a FAIR data scientist: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable
Schedule for Data After Dark : January 13th & 14th, 2016
Location: CLSB/2S060 (map and directions)
Wednesday January 13th
5:00 PMWhat is Big Data? And why it matters to you! (presentation)
5:45 PMAsking the right question, getting the right answers from your data (presentation)
6:45 PMBio-Break
7:00 PM
8:00 PMData handling 101 and OHSU data assets and tools (presentation 1)
(example cell culture protocol)
(presentation 2)
Thursday January 14th
5:00 PMExploratory Data Analysis and visualizing your data (presentation)
6:00 PMData, Ethics, Policies: don't get caught with your pants down with questionable data! (presentation)
6:45 PMBio-Break
7:00 PMCommunicating your findings for maximal impact: Part 1: Self promotion (presentation 1)
Part 2: Pitch (exercise)
(exercise webpage)
8:00 PMDiscussion / one-on-one answers