What is Biomedical and Health Informatics?

May 2024


William Hersh, M.D.

Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology
Oregon Health & Science University
Web: http://www.billhersh.info
Book: http://www.informaticsbook.info
Blog: https://informaticsprofessor.blogspot.com/
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Last updated - June 17, 2024
Bill's picture

This page contains materials that answer a question I am frequently asked: What is Biomedical and Health Informatics? In addition to providing many links to key sites around the Web for biomedical and health informatics, it also provides a voice-over-Powerpoint lecture (MP4 format - accessible from all computers and mobile devices) that addresses the question from my perspective. The slides of the lecture are also provided in PDF handout format, with another PDF file of references cited. The lectures are derived from content of my courses in our Biomedical Informatics Graduate Program at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and the 10x10 ("ten by ten") course we offer in partnership with the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). (The online lectures here use the same technology that we use in our courses.) This page also provides a list of recent textbooks, some links to papers I have written, and links to important professional organizations for the field.

The lecture is divided into segments, and includes MP4 lectures, PDF slides, and PDF bibliography for the following:

Overview of Field

Electronic Health Record

Artificial Intelligence

Information Retreival

Additional Resources

There are a number of books written about the field as a whole and various aspects of it. Some major books to which I have contributed include:
There are also a number of publications I have written that address aspects of the field:
In addition, there are a number of professional organizations concerned with biomedical and health informatics :
How does one obtain more information about education in biomedical and health informatics?