CS 5/662, Winter 2023

Final Project


In addition to homework assignments, there will be a final project on the subject of your choice. In the past, students have reproduced a paper, developed a dataset, implemented an algorithm or approach, etc. The only requirements vis-a-vis the topic of the project are:

A couple of notes:

The deliverables and grading breakdown for the project are as follows:

The grading rubric can be found at the end of this page.

For each of the written deliverables, you are required to use the ACL 2023 LaTeX style template (don’t forget to comment out the “final copy” command!), and to use BibTeX for your bibliography. If you are not familiar with LaTeX, this is an excellent time to learn, but do make sure give yourself a little extra time when writing to allow for some trial-and-error.

If you are an Overleaf user, the ACL 2023 style is available as a project template.

If you are unfamiliar with Latex, this is a fabulous opportunity to add a new tool to your repertoire; please don’t hesitate to ask for help getting started. Literally, please don’t hesitate- the last thing either of us wants is for you to be figuring this part of your project out at the last minute.

Project proposal

The proposal must be turned in to me by the date shown on the course schedule, and must include the following components:

The written proposal must be a complete standalone prose document (not an outline, list of bullet points, collection of sentence fragments, etc.) covering the above points, with citations as appropriate. It need not be very long (2-3 pages), but it is important that it cover these elements in sufficient detail as to demonstrate that you have thought each part through. See the grading rubric for more details.

Along with the written proposal, you must also deliver a short (very strict time limit, TBD based on enrollment) in-class presentation, which should cover at a high level the points from your proposal. See the grading rubric below for an idea of what you should cover, and note that one slide per item is likely appropriate for the proposal presentation.

Check-in report

The purpose of the check-in report is to help ensure that things are going according to plan, and to keep you from encountering too many surprises at the end of the term. The report should detail what you have finished thus far, and explain what is left to do. There is no minimum length, but it should contain (at a minimum):

Final written report

The final written report should follow the standard structure of a scientific article (background, methods, etc.), and should be in the ballpark of 8–10 pages, not counting references. You are expected to include at least some review of the scientific literature relevant to your topic; the project proposal and check-in report will serve as a good start on this part of the paper.

All papers must include an “ethical considerations” section in which the author should discuss the broader ethical and social implications of their work (or, as appropriate, the implications of the subject area on which their project focuses). See the Ethics FAQ from the EACL 2023 Call for Papers for a good description of what I’ve got in mind, particularly the sections starting with “What should I be aware of…” If you are unsure about how to approach this part of your particular project, please ask.

End-of-term presentation

The in-class presentation will be delivered at the end of the term, and will show off your final result. It should be about 10 minutes long, and should cover all parts of your project with an emphasis on what you did (i.e., the background portion should be relatively shorter). The exact format of your presentation is up to you- you may wish to give a traditional research presentation, give a live demonstration of your project, etc. Interpretive dance, theatrical renditions, and musical presentations are encouraged, as appropriate.

Grading Rubrics

In the interest of clarity and transparency, here is the grading rubric I will be using to evaluate your projects. Note that point totals will be weighted according to the breakdown given above.

Also, remember that these rubrics are not meant to serve as the outline for your paper; please do not use them as such. You will need to organize your paper according to a standard scientific paper in the field of NLP, as appropriate for your particular project.

Project Proposal:

Total: 48 pts.

Check-in Report

Total: 29

Final Project

(53 pts)

(33 pts)