BMI 5/625, Spring 2023
This course will give students a foundation in the principles of data visualization, particularly as applied to scientific and technical data, as well as provide students with hands-on experience using modern software tools for developing visualizations. Lecture topics will include an overview of visual perception, color theory and practice, different types of graphs and their purposes, visualizations for specialized forms of data including time-series and geospatial data sets, strategies for working with multidimensional data, etc. There will also be lecture content on ethical issues surrounding data visualization. Weekly lab sessions will introduce students to popular data visualization tools such as R’s ggplot and Shiny, etc.
By the end of the course, students will be:
Mondays: Lecture
Wednesdays: Lab
Monday & Wednesday, 14:00-15:30, in BICC 124 (and via Webex)
Starts: April 3
Ends: June 7 (last class session; term ends the following week)
This term, class sessions and labs will generally be held in-person. That said, in order to maximize participation, I will attempt to offer a synchronous remote option in the form of a Webex livestream. In past years, this has worked reasonably well-ish and has provided students with needed flexibility for things such as childcare constraints, etc. That said, the room the class is held in is not equipped for hybrid learning, and there is a very real possibility of technical and audiovisual glitches. If you are joining us virtually on a given day, your active participation will still be expected, just as if you were joining in-person. And, if something goes awry, you will still be expected to cover the material (or complete the lab, etc.).
Instructor: Steven Bedrick
Office Location: Gaines Hall, 21
Office Hours: by appointment