Bill's Trip to Italy

Last updated - July 25, 2008

I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Bellagio, Italy from July 18-25 to attend a workshop organized by the Rockefeller Foundation to address how eHealth can improve global health. The topic of this workshop fits, of course, with my growing interest in informatics education and workforce.

There were a series of eight workshops over four weeks devoted to specific aspects of the problem, including one devoted to building capacity to implement appropriate eHealth solutions in developing economies. You might find some interesting reading in the conference wiki, which was used heavily by our group. I also was tasked with providing a summary to the group at the end of the four days, which I did using these slides.

Bellagio is in the Lakes Region north of Milan, with quite spectacular scenery. Here are some pictures...

Bellagio sits on Lake Como, which is pictured here. The Rockefeller facility in Bellagio sits upon a hill above the lake, and this picture is also the view out the window of the room where I stayed.
Lake Como
Another view of Lake Como that could also be seen from my room.
Lake Como 2
The facility sits on the grounds of an 8th century Roman fort high above the lake and surrounding land.
Fort below
It is a strenuous but rewarding hike to the top of the fort.
However, we were there to work, and here is part of the group in the conference room where we spent most of our time.
Conference Room
The conference room also had a nice view out of it as well!
I also had occasion to share my words of wisdom.
Here is a picture of our entire group, which had talent and expertise from all over the globe.
We also used the time to work on other things, such as our upcoming conference of the International Medical Informatics Association Working Group on Education that will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 26-27, 2008. Here are my colleagues Dr. Paula Otero of Argentina and Dr. Alvaro Margolis of Uruguay. The three of us also co-authored a paper for presentation at this workshop.
Paula, Alvaro, and Bill
This workshop had some social events as well, including a dinner on the lake with dancing.
Dinner group
On the last day, we went for a boat ride on Lake Como. The frontmost smaller hill seen just above the back of the boat is the hill where the Rockefeller facility and the Roman fort sit. Bellagio is just beneath it.
We made a stop in the beautiful town of Varenna, where we had some delicious gelato.
On the boat ride we passed many beautiful villas, including this famous one, Villa Balbianello, which was the scene of the Senator Amidala and Anakin Skywalker hide out on Naboo in Star Wars: Episode II.
Star Wars villa
After the workshop, I spent a few days in Milan before heading back to the US. My hotel was literally around the corner from the Duomo, the famous church in Milan that is the third-largest in the world. I went up to the roof, which afforded spectacular views of Milan below.
Another famous site in Milan is the Castello Sforzesco, which was a defensive structure and residence when first built in the 14th-15th centuries.
Castello Sforzesco
The Castello Sforzesco houses a number of museums, one of which is the Museum of Ancient Art and contains Michaelangelo's last work, which he never finished, called Rondanini Pieta.
Rondanini Pieta
One other very famous site in Milan is the Santa Maria delle Grazie, which is best known for its housing Da Vinci's Last Supper paitning.
Santa Maria delle Grazie
My trip began with a flight on the Portland-to-Frankfurt Lufthansa flight on an Airbus 340 just like the one shown here at the Frankfurt airport. A340