
Health Informatics: Practical Guide

8th Edition


William Hersh, M.D.
Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology
Oregon Health & Science University

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Book Cover

page contains errata for the book, Health Informatics: Practical Guide, 8th Edition. Please report any errors you find to the Editor listed above. Errors listed on this page refer to page numbers of the print edition.

Chapter 4

56 - Text is missing from the lower right part of Figure 3:

EHR data flow

Chapter 9

183 - reference 49 says Error! Hyperlink reference not valid, but the URL that follows is correct.

Chapter 20

381-382 - In the bulleted list under the chapter subheading, Critically Appraising Studies of Interventions, starting on page 381, the third set of bullets on page 382 are erroneously a repeat of the second set of bullets. Instead, the third set of bullets should be:
Last updated - October 12, 2023