TREC 2005 Genomics Track Results

William Hersh, Track Chair
Last updated - February 15, 2006

This page contains the official results for the submissions to the TREC 2005 Genomics Track.  The following results are displayed:

Ad Hoc Task Run Descriptions

Tags for run and group with run type and system description provided by each group:

Run Tag Group Type
System Description
asubaral arizonau.baral m (Not provided.)
CCP0 ucolorado.cohen m LocusLink gene synonym expansion; stemming; topic-specific keyword expansion; UMLS for disease synonyms, with heavy manual filtering of synonyms for "cancer"; weighted title over abstract.
CCP1 ucolorado.cohen m LocusLink gene synonym expansion, converting all synonyms to a "bag of words", weighting individual words by frequency in synset; stemming; topic-specific keyword expansion; UMLS for disease synonyms, also converted to BOW; weighted title over abstract.
dcu1 dublincityu.gurrin a This is the result of pseudo-relevance feedback on a baseline obtained with the DCU CDVP search engine Fisreal. Our search engine implements the BM25 probabilistic algorithm and the pseudo-relevance feedback is using Robertson Offer Weight method. The feedback aims at expanding the original queries with terms related to the generic structure of the queries, i.e. the Generic Topic Templates. The expansion terms were extracted from the sample search results using the relevance judgment provided.
dcu2 dublincityu.gurrin a This is the result of pseudo-relevance feedback on a baseline obtained with the DCU CDVP search engine Fisreal. Our search engine implements the BM25 probabilistic algorithm and the pseudo-relevance feedback is using Robertson Offer Weight method. The feedback aims at expanding the original queries with terms related to the generic structure of the queries, i.e. the Generic Topic Templates (GTTs). The top 5 documents for each topic of the same GTT are assumed relevant and GTT-related structure terms are extracted from these documents to expand topics that are instances of that particular GTT.
dpsearch1 datapark.zakharov m The DataparkSearch engine of upcoming 4.32 version has been used with  fast method and default options of relevancy calculation. 
dpsearch2 datapark.zakharov m The DataparkSearch engine of upcoming 4.32 version has been used with  full method and default options of relevancy calculation. 
DUTAdHoc1 dalianu.yang m Our ad hoc task retreival system mainly includes the following features gene synonym expansion,medical term expansion based on the Metathesaurus of UMLS Knowledge Sources provided by NLM,different scoring strategy on different parts of Medline record(Title,Abstract,RN,MH,etc.). 
DUTAdHoc2 dalianu.yang m Our ad hoc task retreival system mainly includes the following features gene synonym expansion,medical term expansion based on the Metathesaurus of UMLS Knowledge Sources provided by NLM,different scoring strategy on different parts of Medline record(Title,Abstract,RN,MH,etc.)and Pseudo-relevant feedback. 
genome1 csusm.guillen a We used the INDRI system developed by UMASS and CMU to create five indexes. Then we used the "runquery" option to retrieve documents using the five indexes. The topics were mapped to the INDRI format before retrieving the documents.
genome2 csusm.guillen a We used the INDRI system developed by UMASS and CMU to create five indexes. Then we used the "runquery" option including the feedback parameter with 100 documents to retrieve documents. The topics were mapped to the INDRI system format before running the queries.
i2r1 iir.yu a Automatic of Institute for Infocomm Research.
i2r2 iir.yu a The 2nd from Institute for Infocomm Research
iasl1 academia.sinica.tsai a Without using query expansion in Template 1. Without relevance feedback.
iasl2 academia.sinica.tsai a With query expansion in Template 1 and relevance feedback
ibmadz05bs ibm.zhang a Primary run.   Enhanced automatic relevance feedback. Synonyms from external resources. Queries enhanced by bi-grams.  
ibmadz05us ibm.zhang a Secondary run. Enhanced automatic relevance feedback.   Synonyms from external resources.  
iitprf011003 iit.urbain a Modivied pvn with 1 iteration RF.
MARYGEN1 umaryland.oard a InQuery with proximity operators for phrases identified using MetaMap and disease name expansion using MetaMap
NCBIMAN nlm.wilbur m Same as NCBITHQ for all queries except template 1 (100-109) which used manual theme generation. 
NCBITHQ nlm.wilbur a Phrases and their variants are extracted from each query and used to form boolean queries. The non-gene resuls are expanded using a "theme" approach (naive Bayes scoring) to rescore the results. Document scores from individual queries are converted to probabilites and combined with fuzzy logic operations. Template 1 uses the MEDLINE nearest neighbor function instead of boolean queries on separate phrases, and combines the results with a generic "protocol theme".
NLMfusionA nlm-umd.aronson a combination of four systems  NCBI, Smart, InQuery, EZIR with query expansion 
NLMfusionB nlm-umd.aronson a combination by template of four systems  NCBI, Smart, InQuery, EZIR with query expansion 
NTUgah1 ntu.chen a The Entrez Gene and MeSH databases are used to identify important topic terms and their synonymns. For a topic, documents are first ranked by whether they contain all the important terms, and than by BM25 scores.
NTUgah2 ntu.chen a Same as NTUgah1, except that documents which contain all important terms in their abstracts or titles are ranked higher than those which contain important terms appearing only in their MeSH fields. 
OHSUall ohsu.hersh a Use all words in the narrative topic files. Zettair engine with Okapi k1=0.2
OHSUkey ohsu.hersh a Use only keywords in the narrative topic files. Zettair engine with Okapi k1=0.2
PDnoSE upadova.bacchin a This is a TF-IDF vector based IR system.
PDSESe02 upadova.bacchin a The IR system uses a query expansion technique based on symbol recognition.
SFUshi simon-fraseru.shi m 1. Make use of public gene/protein database to expand query; 2. Use structured query to express logic relations among query terms; 3. Use pseudo relevance feedback; 
THUIRgen1S a Structural Query Language; UniSentence, BiSentence and Multi-field Retrieval; Internal Resource Utility; Iterative Result Fusion; Stemming, Stopword, BM2500, Pseudo-relevance feedback; (More details will be involved in our report.) 
THUIRgen2P a Pattern Generation; Pattern Matching and Scoring; Prefix, Midfix, and Suffix for Given Template Expansion; Balance Between Precision and Recall; Internal Resource Utility. (More details will be involved in our report.)
tnog10 tno.erasmus.kraaij a JM smoothed language model
tnog10p tno.erasmus.kraaij a JM smoothed language model, + Journal title prior
UAmscombGeFb uamsterdam.aidteam a that combines MeSH-heading based blind feedback with gene name synonym and acronym expansion
UAmscombGeMl uamsterdam.aidteam a that combines gene name synonym and acronym expansion with automatic MeSH-heading lookup procedure
UBIgeneA suny-buffalo.ruiz a Automatic using gene expansion with MeSH terms, minimal stemming, and restricted word bigrams. IR system  SMART, weighting scheme atn.ann
UICgen1 uillinois-chicago.liu a Porter stemming; OKAPI; Query expansion; Weighting scheme
UIowa05GN101 uiowa.eichmann a Precision focussed run.  Uses a more stringent threshold on the ranked results.
UIowa05GN102 uiowa.eichmann a Recall focussed run.
UIUCgAuto uiuc.zhai a This is produced completely automatically from the original topic description. It performs pseudo feedback based on the structure of the query using a language modeling approach. 
UIUCgInt uiuc.zhai i This is produced with human relevance judgments on the top 20 documents from the initial retrieval run. It also uses biology resources to automatically expand the original queries.   
UMD01 umichigan-dearborn.murphey a We extracted key words from each topic and combine keywords with logic connection AND or OR. We then calculated similarity scores of all documents with this combination and sorted the results.
UMD02 umichigan-dearborn.murphey a We extracted key words from each topic,then calculated similarity scores by Okapi BM25 method and sorted the results.
UniGe2 u.geneva a This runs merges two different lists  1) a with query expansion, based on gene and protein names and rocchio; 2) a with expansion based on MeSH terms. Warning  this is intended to replace the 'UniGeC' ! Please, 'UniGeC' is corrupted and should be deleted.
UniGeNe u.geneva a Data fusion (combination of two result lists) by  a) a probabilistic model + pseudo-relance feedback (10 docs / 20 terms)  b) same probabilistic model with modified queries (with thesaurus of gene and protein names) + PRF (10 docs / 20 terms)
UniNeHug2 uneuchatel.savoy a Probabilistic model + pseudo-relance feedback (10docs / 20 terms)
UniNeHug2c uneuchatel.savoy a Data fusion (combination of two result lists) by  a) a probabilistic model + pseudo-relance feedback (10docs / 20 terms) b) same probabilistic model with modified queries (with genomics DB) + PRF (10 docs / 20 terms)
uta05a utampere.pirkola a This is a simple that serves as a baseline for our second run. Topic keys were used in queries, no expansion etc. was used. Different columns of a template were linked by a Boolean conjunction.
uta05i utampere.pirkola i 1. Synonymous gene names for the topic gene names were retrieved from the Entrez Gene. 2. Our automatic queries (uta05a) were expanded with the synonyms. 3. The expanded queries were on the test database. 4. Final queries (Boolean queries) were formulated by further expanding the queries with MH terms and synonyms found in the top documents of the initial search.
uwmtEg05 uwaterloo.clarke a Plain Okapi BM25 run, with stemming applied to all terms that do not contain numerical characters.
uwmtEg05fb uwaterloo.clarke a Okapi BM25 with standard Okapi feedback; stemming applied to all terms that do not contain numerical characters. This is a two-stage run, using the top 40 documents returned by the first stage to add pseudo-relevance feedback terms to the query in the second stage.
wim1 fudan.niu a language model,greek letter,query expansion
wim2 fudan.niu a gene noun,okapi,query expansion
YAMAHASHI1 utokyo.takahashi m Using MeSH for ranking.
YAMAHASHI2 utokyo.takahashi m Not Using MeSH for ranking.
york05ga1 yorku.huang a 1. use Okapi BM25 System with stuctured query function 2. use rules to expand the terms. 3. use BioNLP utility to identify the long form and acronym pairs. 4. use some rules to rebalance the weight for query term. 5. blank feedback with special term selection technique
york05gm1 yorku.huang m 1. use Okapi BM25 system with structured query function 2. use Acromed and LocusLink database to expand the terms. 3. mannualy select good quality expanded terms 4. use some rules to rebalance the weight for query term 5. blank feedback with special term selection technique

Ad Hoc Task Topic Statistics

Relevance judgment statistics for each topic:

Topic Pool Definitely
% relevant
100 704 22 52 630 74 10.5%
101 651 2 18 631 20 3.1%
102 1164 5 5 1154 10 0.9%
103 701 6 19 676 25 3.6%
104 629 0 4 625 4 0.6%
105 1133 4 85 1044 89 7.9%
106 1230 44 125 1061 169 13.7%
107 484 76 114 294 190 39.3%
108 1092 76 127 889 203 18.6%
109 389 165 14 210 179 46.0%
110 934 4 12 918 16 1.7%
111 675 109 93 473 202 29.9%
112 870 4 7 859 11 1.3%
113 1356 10 4 1342 14 1.0%
114 754 210 169 375 379 50.3%
115 1350 3 12 1335 15 1.1%
116 1265 58 28 1179 86 6.8%
117 1094 527 182 385 709 64.8%
118 937 20 12 905 32 3.4%
119 589 42 19 528 61 10.4%
120 527 223 122 182 345 65.5%
121 422 17 25 380 42 10.0%
122 871 19 37 815 56 6.4%
123 1029 5 32 992 37 3.6%
124 752 8 53 691 61 8.1%
125 1202 3 8 1191 11 0.9%
126 1320 190 117 1013 307 23.3%
127 841 1 3 837 4 0.5%
128 954 21 53 880 74 7.8%
129 987 16 22 949 38 3.9%
130 813 9 23 781 32 3.9%
131 431 2 40 389 42 9.7%
132 531 3 27 501 30 5.6%
133 523 0 5 518 5 1.0%
134 732 2 9 721 11 1.5%
136 853 0 3 850 3 0.4%
137 1129 12 39 1078 51 4.5%
138 501 6 6 489 12 2.4%
139 380 15 20 345 35 9.2%
140 395 14 15 366 29 7.3%
141 520 34 47 439 81 15.6%
142 528 151 120 257 271 51.3%
143 902 0 4 898 4 0.4%
144 1212 1 1 1210 2 0.2%
145 288 10 22 256 32 11.1%
146 825 370 67 388 437 53.0%
147 659 0 10 649 10 1.5%
148 536 0 11 525 11 2.1%
149 1294 6 17 1271 23 1.8%

Ad Hoc Task Results by Run

Results for each run with major evaluation statistics, sorted by MAP:

Run Type MAP R-Prec B-pref P10 P100 P1000
york05gm1 m 0.302 0.3212 0.3155 0.4551 0.2543 0.0748
york05ga1 a 0.2888 0.3118 0.3061 0.4592 0.2557 0.0721
ibmadz05us a 0.2883 0.3091 0.3026 0.4735 0.2643 0.0766
ibmadz05bs a 0.2859 0.3061 0.2987 0.4694 0.2606 0.0761
uwmtEg05 a 0.258 0.2853 0.2781 0.4143 0.2292 0.0718
UIUCgAuto a 0.2577 0.2688 0.2708 0.4122 0.231 0.0709
UIUCgInt i 0.2487 0.2627 0.267 0.4224 0.2355 0.0694
NLMfusionA a 0.2479 0.2767 0.2675 0.402 0.2378 0.0688
iasl1 a 0.2453 0.2708 0.265 0.398 0.2292 0.0698
NLMfusionB a 0.2453 0.2666 0.2541 0.4082 0.2339 0.0693
UniNeHug2 a 0.2439 0.2582 0.264 0.398 0.2308 0.0712
UniGe2 a 0.2396 0.2705 0.2608 0.3878 0.2361 0.0711
i2r1 a 0.2391 0.2629 0.2716 0.3898 0.231 0.0668
uta05a a 0.2385 0.2638 0.2546 0.4163 0.2255 0.0678
i2r2 a 0.2375 0.2622 0.272 0.3878 0.2296 0.067
UniNeHug2c a 0.2375 0.2662 0.2589 0.3878 0.239 0.0725
uwmtEg05fb a 0.2359 0.2573 0.2552 0.3878 0.2257 0.0712
DUTAdHoc2 m 0.2349 0.2678 0.2725 0.3939 0.2206 0.0648
THUIRgen1S a 0.2349 0.2663 0.2568 0.4224 0.2214 0.0622
tnog10 a 0.2346 0.2607 0.2564 0.3857 0.2227 0.0668
DUTAdHoc1 m 0.2344 0.2718 0.2726 0.402 0.22 0.0645
tnog10p a 0.2332 0.2506 0.2555 0.402 0.2173 0.0668
iasl2 a 0.2315 0.2465 0.2487 0.3816 0.2276 0.07
UAmscombGeFb a 0.2314 0.2638 0.2592 0.4163 0.2271 0.0612
UBIgeneA a 0.2262 0.2567 0.2542 0.3633 0.2122 0.0683
OHSUkey a 0.2233 0.2569 0.2544 0.3735 0.2169 0.0632
NTUgah2 a 0.2204 0.2562 0.2498 0.398 0.1996 0.0644
THUIRgen2P a 0.2177 0.2519 0.2395 0.4143 0.2198 0.0695
NTUgah1 a 0.2173 0.2558 0.2513 0.3918 0.1998 0.0615
UniGeNe a 0.215 0.2364 0.2347 0.3367 0.2237 0.0694
UAmscombGeMl a 0.2015 0.2325 0.232 0.3551 0.2094 0.0568
uta05i i 0.198 0.2411 0.229 0.4082 0.2137 0.0547
PDnoSE a 0.1937 0.2213 0.2183 0.3571 0.2006 0.063
iitprf011003 a 0.1913 0.2142 0.2205 0.3612 0.2018 0.065
dcu1 a 0.1851 0.2178 0.2129 0.3816 0.1851 0.0577
dcu2 a 0.1844 0.2234 0.214 0.3959 0.1896 0.0599
SFUshi m 0.1834 0.2072 0.2149 0.3429 0.1898 0.0608
OHSUall a 0.183 0.2285 0.2221 0.3286 0.1965 0.0592
wim2 a 0.1807 0.2006 0.2055 0.3 0.1794 0.057
genome1 a 0.1803 0.2174 0.211 0.3245 0.1749 0.0577
wim1 a 0.1781 0.2094 0.2076 0.3347 0.181 0.0592
NCBITHQ a 0.1777 0.214 0.2192 0.3041 0.1824 0.0526
NCBIMAN m 0.1747 0.2081 0.2181 0.3122 0.182 0.0519
UICgen1 a 0.1738 0.2079 0.2046 0.3082 0.1941 0.0579
MARYGEN1 a 0.1729 0.1954 0.1898 0.3041 0.1439 0.0409
PDSESe02 a 0.1646 0.1928 0.1928 0.3224 0.1904 0.0615
genome2 a 0.1642 0.1931 0.1928 0.298 0.1676 0.0565
UIowa05GN102 a 0.1303 0.1861 0.1693 0.2898 0.1671 0.0396
UMD01 a 0.1221 0.1541 0.1435 0.3224 0.1473 0.0321
UIowa05GN101 a 0.1095 0.1636 0.1414 0.2857 0.1571 0.026
CCP0 m 0.1078 0.1486 0.1311 0.2837 0.1439 0.0203
YAMAHASHI2 m 0.1022 0.1236 0.1276 0.2653 0.1312 0.0369
YAMAHASHI1 m 0.1003 0.1224 0.1248 0.2531 0.1267 0.0356
dpsearch2 m 0.0861 0.1169 0.1034 0.2633 0.1231 0.0278
dpsearch1 m 0.0827 0.1177 0.1017 0.2551 0.1182 0.0274
asubaral m 0.0797 0.1079 0.0967 0.2714 0.1061 0.0142
CCP1 m 0.0554 0.0963 0.0775 0.1878 0.0951 0.0134
UMD02 a 0.0544 0.0703 0.0735 0.1755 0.0843 0.0166

MAP with 95% confidence interval for all runs:

All statistics for each run, sorted by MAP:

Ad Hoc Task Results by Topic

Major evaluation statistics for each topic:

Topic MAP R-Prec B-Pref P10 P100 P1000
100 0.1691 0.2148 0.1616 0.3569 0.1916 0.0550
101 0.0454 0.0526 0.0285 0.0483 0.0516 0.0141
102 0.0110 0.0172 0.0100 0.0172 0.0091 0.0036
103 0.0603 0.0945 0.0570 0.0948 0.0602 0.0169
104 0.0694 0.0948 0.0582 0.0690 0.0124 0.0023
105 0.1102 0.1703 0.1461 0.4655 0.1586 0.0327
106 0.0625 0.1120 0.1231 0.3138 0.1433 0.0491
107 0.4184 0.4297 0.5289 0.9103 0.5934 0.1373
108 0.1224 0.1973 0.2206 0.4828 0.2788 0.0695
109 0.5347 0.5196 0.6512 0.9190 0.7066 0.1345
110 0.0137 0.0248 0.0154 0.0224 0.0128 0.0055
111 0.2192 0.2985 0.2926 0.3569 0.3140 0.1170
112 0.2508 0.3354 0.2754 0.3586 0.0481 0.0062
113 0.3124 0.3498 0.3164 0.3931 0.0822 0.0096
114 0.3876 0.4364 0.5505 0.8259 0.6697 0.2476
115 0.0378 0.0437 0.0340 0.0534 0.0193 0.0036
116 0.1103 0.1720 0.1456 0.2879 0.1636 0.0359
117 0.3796 0.4739 0.5126 0.8345 0.7409 0.4099
118 0.1343 0.1460 0.1369 0.3276 0.0634 0.0145
119 0.5140 0.5212 0.5075 0.8190 0.3462 0.0493
120 0.5769 0.5421 0.7217 0.9259 0.8091 0.2695
121 0.6205 0.6560 0.6394 0.7983 0.3040 0.0337
122 0.1423 0.2023 0.1590 0.3569 0.1510 0.0320
123 0.0375 0.0708 0.0474 0.1121 0.0493 0.0133
124 0.1519 0.2035 0.1693 0.5103 0.1505 0.0324
125 0.0772 0.0862 0.0708 0.0897 0.0209 0.0028
126 0.1313 0.2172 0.2388 0.3966 0.2979 0.1422
127 0.1015 0.1250 0.0862 0.0759 0.0155 0.0028
128 0.0921 0.1424 0.1062 0.3224 0.1247 0.0366
129 0.0864 0.1393 0.0939 0.1793 0.0984 0.0212
130 0.3390 0.3545 0.3346 0.6362 0.1388 0.0194
131 0.4436 0.4384 0.4230 0.5517 0.2790 0.0343
132 0.1048 0.1558 0.1115 0.2431 0.0966 0.0196
133 0.0328 0.0207 0.0172 0.0172 0.0140 0.0029
134 0.1687 0.1771 0.1582 0.1914 0.0364 0.0069
136 0.0032 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0019 0.0010
137 0.0676 0.1146 0.0767 0.1776 0.0848 0.0232
138 0.2196 0.2342 0.2029 0.2534 0.0552 0.0089
139 0.3600 0.3941 0.3488 0.5810 0.2052 0.0305
140 0.2700 0.3115 0.2423 0.3810 0.1843 0.0248
141 0.2381 0.2735 0.2053 0.3362 0.2598 0.0699
142 0.4416 0.4608 0.5911 0.8569 0.6409 0.2098
143 0.0031 0.0043 0.0011 0.0034 0.0021 0.0009
144 0.0734 0.0603 0.0431 0.0276 0.0053 0.0009
145 0.3363 0.3761 0.3238 0.5931 0.1852 0.0260
146 0.4808 0.4961 0.6325 0.8466 0.7212 0.3076
147 0.0087 0.0138 0.0057 0.0138 0.0091 0.0040
148 0.0411 0.0376 0.0144 0.0293 0.0407 0.0066
149 0.0286 0.0495 0.0304 0.0603 0.0347 0.0089

Plot of number of relevant and MAP for each topic:


Ad Hoc Task Results by GTT

Relevance judgment statistics for each GTT:

Topics Pool Definitely
% relevant
100-109 817.7 40.0 56.3 721.4 96.3 14.4%
110-119 982.4 98.7 53.8 829.9 152.5 17.1%
120-129 890.5 50.3 47.2 793.0 97.5 13.0%
130-139 654.8 5.4 19.1 630.2 24.6 4.3%
140-149 715.9 58.6 31.4 625.9 90.0 14.4%

Major evaluation statistics for each GTT:

MAP R-Prec B-Pref P10 P100 P1000
100-109 0.1603 0.1903 0.1985 0.3678 0.2206 0.0515
110-119 0.2360 0.2802 0.2787 0.4279 0.2460 0.0899
120-129 0.2018 0.2385 0.2333 0.3767 0.2021 0.0587
130-139 0.1932 0.2099 0.1859 0.2946 0.1013 0.0163
140-149 0.1922 0.2084 0.2090 0.3148 0.2083 0.0659

Duplicate analysis

Topics 104, 116, 117, 133, 134, 135, 141, 144, 148, and 149 were judged in duplicate.  The following table shows the overlap in judgments across judges:

Duplicate - Relelvant Duplicate -
Not relevant
Original - Relevant 1100 629 1729
Original -
Not relevant
546 8204 8750
1646 8833 10479

The Cohen's kappa statistic for these judgments was 0.585.

The following table compares MAP with the official judgments, an AND of the original and duplicate judgments, and an OR of the original and duplicate judgments:

york05gm1 0.302 0.3221 0.3257
york05ga1 0.2888 0.3081 0.3099
ibmadz05us 0.2883 0.3054 0.3121
ibmadz05bs 0.2859 0.3087 0.3141
uwmtEg05 0.258 0.2767 0.2778
UIUCgAuto 0.2577 0.2765 0.2795
UIUCgInt 0.2487 0.2656 0.2675
NLMfusionA 0.2479 0.2701 0.2709
iasl1 0.2453 0.2666 0.2678
NLMfusionB 0.2453 0.2711 0.272
UniNeHug2 0.2439 0.261 0.2643
UniGe2 0.2396 0.2655 0.2646
i2r1 0.2391 0.2614 0.2615
uta05a 0.2385 0.2557 0.2565
i2r2 0.2375 0.254 0.2534
UniNeHug2c 0.2375 0.2621 0.2632
uwmtEg05fb 0.2359 0.2601 0.2638
DUTAdHoc2 0.2349 0.2546 0.2525
THUIRgen1S 0.2349 0.2514 0.2522
tnog10 0.2346 0.2552 0.2559
DUTAdHoc1 0.2344 0.2533 0.2511
tnog10p 0.2332 0.2532 0.254
iasl2 0.2315 0.2499 0.2535
UAmscombGeFb 0.2314 0.2577 0.2569
UBIgeneA 0.2262 0.2452 0.2467
OHSUkey 0.2233 0.2474 0.2478
NTUgah2 0.2204 0.2465 0.2441
THUIRgen2P 0.2177 0.2355 0.2372
NTUgah1 0.2173 0.2385 0.2361
UniGeNe 0.215 0.2362 0.2386
UAmscombGeMl 0.2015 0.2233 0.2231
uta05i 0.198 0.2135 0.2148
PDnoSE 0.1937 0.2095 0.2103
iitprf011003 0.1913 0.2128 0.2113
dcu1 0.1851 0.203 0.2019
dcu2 0.1844 0.2007 0.2001
SFUshi 0.1834 0.191 0.1943
OHSUall 0.183 0.2002 0.2014
wim2 0.1807 0.2005 0.2015
genome1 0.1803 0.2033 0.2015
wim1 0.1781 0.1977 0.1971
NCBITHQ 0.1777 0.1858 0.1885
NCBIMAN 0.1747 0.1831 0.1858
UICgen1 0.1738 0.1968 0.1948
MARYGEN1 0.1729 0.1785 0.1804
PDSESe02 0.1646 0.1782 0.1805
genome2 0.1642 0.1842 0.1828
UIowa05GN102 0.1303 0.1391 0.1396
UMD01 0.1221 0.1293 0.1288
UIowa05GN101 0.1095 0.1167 0.1171
CCP0 0.1078 0.1121 0.1125
YAMAHASHI2 0.1022 0.1055 0.1047
YAMAHASHI1 0.1003 0.104 0.1032
dpsearch2 0.0861 0.1005 0.0995
dpsearch1 0.0827 0.0978 0.0971
asubaral 0.0797 0.0846 0.0832
CCP1 0.0554 0.0548 0.0555
UMD02 0.0544 0.0548 0.0551

Plot of MAP for official, AND, and OR runs:


Categorization Task Allele Subtask

Results and system descriptions for allele categorization subtask:

Tag Group Prec Recall Fscore Utility Description
aibmadz05s ibm.zhang 0.4669 0.9337 0.6225 0.871 Single classifiers. 
ABBR003SThr ibm.kanungo 0.4062 0.9458 0.5683 0.8645 Allele task, First, use bayesian regression with full text representation and MH_Mesh check. Second, use output from SVM for sanity check.
ABBR003 ibm.kanungo 0.3686 0.9548 0.5319 0.8586 Allele task, using bayesian regression with full text representation and MH_Mesh check.
aibmadz05m1 ibm.zhang 0.5076 0.9006 0.6493 0.8492 Combined classifiers with probability thresholding. 
aibmadz05m2 ibm.zhang 0.5025 0.9006 0.6451 0.8482 Combined classifiers with cross-validation thresholding. 
cuhkrun3A cuhk.lam 0.3442 0.9548 0.506 0.8478 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances with all features.
THUIRgenA1p1 0.4902 0.9006 0.6348 0.8455 Baseline run. Only distanced bigram features. 
cuhkrun2A cuhk.lam 0.3316 0.9578 0.4926 0.8443 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances.
aFduMarsII fudan.niu 0.4195 0.9187 0.576 0.8439 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM, specified feature
aNTUMAC ntu.chen 0.3439 0.9488 0.5048 0.8423 Mesh30+Caption10+Abstract10+CaptionSEM10+AbstractSEM10
aFduMarsI fudan.niu 0.4754 0.9006 0.6223 0.8421 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM
ASVMN03 ibm.kanungo 0.4019 0.9127 0.558 0.8327 Allele task, use support vector machine with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
aNLMB nlm-umd.aronson 0.3391 0.9398 0.4984 0.832 Mixture
aDIMACSl9w rutgers.dayanik 0.4357 0.8976 0.5866 0.8292 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
THUIRgA0p9x 0.5414 0.8675 0.6667 0.8242 CV version. 
cuhkrun1 cuhk.lam 0.3257 0.9367 0.4833 0.8226 Automatic classification using context feature engineering and context association. 
aDIMACSg9md rutgers.dayanik 0.4509 0.8855 0.5976 0.8221 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
aDIMACSl9md rutgers.dayanik 0.3844 0.9066 0.5399 0.8212 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
aDIMACSg9w rutgers.dayanik 0.4882 0.8705 0.6255 0.8168 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
NLM2A nlm-umd.aronson 0.4332 0.8795 0.5805 0.8118 ML methods
AOHSUVP ohsu.hersh 0.3556 0.8976 0.5094 0.8019 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Voting perceptron classifier
aFduMarsIII fudan.niu 0.3254 0.9096 0.4794 0.7987 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, MeSH Tree Extracted Knowledge, Rocchio
aDUTCat1 dalianu.yang 0.2858 0.9307 0.4374 0.7939 Titles, absracts, bodies are used to represent the documents,  backspace-separated words as features, a svm classifier and set weights using tfidf. All texts are processed with A Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer(abner). 
AOHSUSL ohsu.hersh 0.3448 0.8765 0.4949 0.7785 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Slipper2 classifier
aQUT14 queensu.shatkay 0.3582 0.8675 0.507 0.776 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the resulting thematic clusters were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Allele category. 
AOHSUBF ohsu.hersh 0.3007 0.8976 0.4505 0.7748 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Best-single feature classifier
aIBMIRLrul ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.3185 0.8855 0.4685 0.7741 applying rules (mesh term and class specific term in medline record), formed using the training set,  on the document set obtained after MH - Mice screening
Ameta uwisconsin.craven 0.3031 0.8946 0.4527 0.7736 for each document, the posterior probabilites of individiual paragraphs -- as assigned by a primary maximum entropy classifier -- are tallied as a distribution, which is then classified by a secondary maxent classifier
Apars uwisconsin.craven 0.2601 0.9277 0.4063 0.7725 averaging the posterior probabilities of selected individual paragraphs as assigned by a maximum entropy classifier trained on full documents
aIBMIRLsvm ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.2982 0.8946 0.4473 0.7707 classifying using SVM of documents (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file) obtained after MH - Mice screening
aDUTCat2 dalianu.yang 0.262 0.9217 0.408 0.769 Titles, absracts, bodies are used to represent the documents, backspace-separated words as features, a svm classifier and set weights using tfidf.
aMUSCUIUC3 uiuc.zhai 0.4281 0.8072 0.5595 0.7438 This is triageA task with SVM classification with semantic features and augmented training cases.
Afull uwisconsin.craven 0.2718 0.8825 0.4156 0.7434 bag-of-words maximum entropy classifier
aMUSCUIUC2 uiuc.zhai 0.5501 0.7771 0.6442 0.7397 This is triageA task with SVM classification with semantic features
aQUNB8 queensu.shatkay 0.3182 0.8464 0.4626 0.7397 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the feature selection was done on each resulting thematic cluster. The selected features were used for the classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Allele category. 
aIBMIRLmet ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.32 0.8434 0.464 0.738 classifying using SVM the document set obtained as positive after the rules (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file).
ABPLUS erasmus.kors 0.241 0.8916 0.3795 0.7264 Abstract plus mesh headings plus chemicals
aUCHSCnb1En3 ucolorado.cohen 0.508 0.7651 0.6106 0.7215 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. More strict feature selection. 
aQUT11 queensu.shatkay 0.3785 0.7741 0.5084 0.6993 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the resulting thematic clusters were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Allele category. 
aUCHSCnb1En4 ucolorado.cohen 0.6091 0.6476 0.6277 0.6231 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. Less strict feature selection. 
aMUSCUIUC1 uiuc.zhai 0.6678 0.6054 0.6351 0.5877 This is triageA task with basic SVM classification
aUCHSCsvm ucolorado.cohen 0.7957 0.4458 0.5714 0.4391 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with Support Vector Machine.  
aNLMF nlm-umd.aronson 0.2219 0.5301 0.3129 0.4208 Voting
LPC6 langpower.yang 0.4281 0.4307 0.4294 0.3969 System built using rule-based NLP parsing and concept-based indexing.
FTA erasmus.kors 0.3562 0.3916 0.373 0.3499 Fulltext A
aLRIk1 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.2331 0.259 0.2454 0.2089 Automatic
aLRIk3 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.2191 0.262 0.2387 0.2071 Automatic + rap + list.
aLRIk2 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.2306 0.25 0.2399 0.2009 Automatic + list.
0.2191 0.25 0.2387 0.2009
0.3572 0.8931 0.5065 0.7773
0.7957 0.9578 0.6667 0.871

Plot for allele categorization subtask:


Categorization Task Expression Subtask

Results and system descriptions for exression categorization subtask:

Tag Group Prec Recall Fscore Utility Description
eFduMarsI fudan.niu 0.1899 0.9333 0.3156 0.8711 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM
eFduMarsII fudan.niu 0.1899 0.9333 0.3156 0.8711 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM, specified feature
eDUTCat1 dalianu.yang 0.1364 0.9429 0.2383 0.8496 Titles, absracts, bodies are used to represent the documents,  only nouns as features, a svm classifier and set weights using tfidf. All texts are processed with A Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer(abner). 
eDIMACSl9w rutgers.dayanik 0.2026 0.9048 0.331 0.8491 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
eibmadz05s ibm.zhang 0.1437 0.9333 0.249 0.8464 Single classifiers. 
eibmadz05m2 ibm.zhang 0.2109 0.8857 0.3407 0.8339 Combined classifiers with cross-validation thresholding. 
cuhkrun2E cuhk.lam 0.126 0.9333 0.222 0.8321 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances.
cuhkrun3E cuhk.lam 0.1481 0.9143 0.255 0.8321 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances with all features.
EBBR0006SThr ibm.kanungo 0.1228 0.9333 0.2171 0.8292 Expression task, First use bayesian regression with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check. Second, use output from SVM for sanity check.
THUIRgenE1p8 0.1322 0.9238 0.2312 0.829 Baseline run. Only distanced bigram features. 
eibmadz05m1 ibm.zhang 0.2201 0.8762 0.3518 0.8277 Combined classifiers with probability thresholding. 
EBBR0006 ibm.kanungo 0.1211 0.9333 0.2144 0.8275 Expression task, use bayesian regression with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
eDUTCat2 dalianu.yang 0.1104 0.9429 0.1976 0.8241 Titles, absracts, bodies are used to represent the documents, backspace-separated words as features, a svm classifier and set weights using tfidf.
ESVMN075 ibm.kanungo 0.1265 0.9143 0.2222 0.8156 Expression task, use support vector machine with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
cuhkrun1E cuhk.lam 0.1119 0.9143 0.1994 0.8009 Automatic classification using context feature engineering and context association. 
eDIMACSg9w rutgers.dayanik 0.2444 0.8381 0.3785 0.7976 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
eFduMarsIII fudan.niu 0.0794 0.9524 0.1466 0.7799 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, MeSH Tree Extracted Knowledge, Rocchio
eNTUMAC ntu.chen 0.1593 0.819 0.2667 0.7515 Mesh10+Caption10+CaptionSEM10
Epars uwisconsin.craven 0.0818 0.8857 0.1498 0.7304 averaging the posterior probabilities of selected individual paragraphs as assigned by a maximum entropy classifier trained on full documents
eIBMIRLsvm ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.0571 0.9238 0.1075 0.6854 classifying using  SVM  of documents (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file)  obtained after MH - Mice screening
ABPLUSE erasmus.kors 0.0841 0.819 0.1525 0.6796 Abstracts plus mesh headings plus chemicals E
eDIMACSg9md rutgers.dayanik 0.1575 0.7333 0.2593 0.672 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
Emeta uwisconsin.craven 0.1273 0.7333 0.2169 0.6548 for each document, the posterior probabilites of individiual paragraphs -- as assigned by a primary maximum entropy classifier -- are tallied as a distribution, which is then classified by a secondary maxent classifier
eDIMACSl9md rutgers.dayanik 0.1054 0.7238 0.184 0.6278 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
NLM2E nlm-umd.aronson 0.2863 0.6381 0.3953 0.6132 ML methods
EOHSUBF ohsu.hersh 0.0405 0.9619 0.0777 0.6058 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Best-single feature classifier
Efull uwisconsin.craven 0.0636 0.781 0.1176 0.6012 bag-of-words maximum entropy classifier
EOHSUVP ohsu.hersh 0.0693 0.7429 0.1267 0.5869 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Voting perceptron classifier
EOHSUSL ohsu.hersh 0.0365 0.9905 0.0705 0.5824 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Slipper2 classifier
eIBMIRLmet ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.0627 0.7333 0.1155 0.5621 classifying using svmlight the document set obtained as positive after the rules (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file).
eIBMIRLrul ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.0642 0.7238 0.1179 0.5589 applying rules (mesh term and class specific term in medline record), formed using the training set,  on the document set obtained after MH - Mice screening
eQUNB11 queensu.shatkay 0.1086 0.6381 0.1856 0.5563 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the feature selection was done on each resulting thematic cluster. The selected features were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Expression category. 
eQUT18 queensu.shatkay 0.0967 0.5238 0.1632 0.4473 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the resulting thematic clusters were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Expression category
eMUSCUIUC1 uiuc.zhai 0.2269 0.4667 0.3053 0.4418 This is triageE task with SVM classification with semantic features and augmented training cases.  Records without MeSH term mice are removed
eMUSCUIUC3 uiuc.zhai 0.1572 0.4762 0.2364 0.4363 This is triageE task with SVM classification with semantic features and augmented training cases. Record without MeSH mice are also included. 
eQUNB19 queensu.shatkay 0.1132 0.4571 0.1815 0.4012 The naive Bayes approach for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Expression category. The different costs on different misclassifications were taken into account. 
eUCHSCnb1En4 ucolorado.cohen 0.52 0.3714 0.4333 0.3661 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. Less strict feature selection. 
FTE erasmus.kors 0.0835 0.4095 0.1387 0.3393 Fulltext E
eUCHSCnb1En3 ucolorado.cohen 0.5714 0.3429 0.4286 0.3388 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. More strict feature selection. 
eNLMF nlm-umd.aronson 0.129 0.2286 0.1649 0.2045 Voting
eNLMKNN nlm-umd.aronson 0.0519 0.2381 0.0852 0.1701 Mixture
eLRIk3 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.0828 0.1238 0.0992 0.1024 Automatic + Rap + list.
eLRIk1 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.1026 0.1143 0.1081 0.0987 automatic
eLRIk2 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.1026 0.1143 0.1081 0.0987 Automatic + list.
eUCHSCsvm ucolorado.cohen 1 0.0381 0.0734 0.0381 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with Support Vector Machine.  
eMUSCUIUC2 uiuc.zhai 0 0 0 -0.0074 This is triageE task with SVM classification with semantic features.
0 0 0 -0.0074
0.122 0.8 0.1985 0.6413
1 0.9905 0.4333 0.8711

Plot for expression categorization subtask:


Categorization Task GO Subtask

Results and system descriptions for GO categorization subtask:

Tag Group Prec Recall Fscore Utility Description
gFduMarsII fudan.niu 0.2122 0.8861 0.3424 0.587 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM, specified feature
gFduMarsI fudan.niu 0.2644 0.778 0.3947 0.5813 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM
gIBMIRLmet ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.2028 0.9015 0.3311 0.5793 classifying using SVM the document set obtained as positive after the rules (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file).
gDUTCat1 dalianu.yang 0.1914 0.9286 0.3174 0.572 Documents are classified indepedently by three parts,  its PMID record's MeSH term, full text, and title plus abstract. Then the results are combined by a evaluation program.     We use a svm classifier, backspace-separated words as features, a tfidf method to set weights. Full texts are processed by A Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer(abner).     Finally the positive instances are filtered with a algorithm according to the numbers of proteins of each document. 
gIBMIRLrul ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.1883 0.9286 0.3132 0.5648 applying rules (mesh term and class specific term in medline record), formed using the training set,  on the document set obtained after MH - Mice screening
gIBMIRLsvm ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.2069 0.8668 0.3341 0.5648 classifying using  SVM  of documents (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file)  obtained after MH - Mice screening
gFduMarsIII fudan.niu 0.191 0.9093 0.3157 0.5591 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, MeSH Tree Extracted Knowledge, Rocchio
GBBR004 ibm.kanungo 0.1947 0.8938 0.3198 0.5577 Go annotation task, use bayesian regression with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
GOHSUBF ohsu.hersh 0.1889 0.9093 0.3127 0.5542 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Best-single feature classifier
GAbsBBR0083 ibm.kanungo 0.2524 0.7548 0.3783 0.5516 Go annotation task, use bayesian regression with abstract text representation (derived threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
GOHSUVP ohsu.hersh 0.2308 0.7819 0.3564 0.5449 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Voting perceptron classifier
GSVMN08 ibm.kanungo 0.2038 0.8436 0.3283 0.5441 Go annotation task, use support vector machine with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
gDUTCat2 dalianu.yang 0.1779 0.9363 0.2989 0.5428 Documents are classified indepedently by three parts,  its PMID record's MeSH term, full text, and title plus abstract. Then the results are combined by a evaluation program.     We use a svm classifier, backspace-separated words as features, a tfidf method to set weights. Full texts are processed by A Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer(abner). 
gNTUMAC ntu.chen 0.1873 0.8803 0.3089 0.5332 Mesh10+Caption10+MeshSEM10
gibmadz05m2 ibm.zhang 0.3179 0.6216 0.4206 0.5004 Combined classifiers with cross-validation thresholding. 
gibmadz05m1 ibm.zhang 0.3216 0.6178 0.423 0.4993 Combined classifiers with probability thresholding. 
ABPLUSG erasmus.kors 0.2178 0.7259 0.3351 0.4889 Abstracts plus mesh headings plus chemicals G
gDIMACSl9w rutgers.dayanik 0.245 0.668 0.3585 0.4809 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
gibmadz05s ibm.zhang 0.3226 0.583 0.4154 0.4717 Single classifiers. 
GOHSUSL ohsu.hersh 0.2536 0.6429 0.3637 0.4709 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Slipper2 classifier
gDIMACSl9md rutgers.dayanik 0.2425 0.6564 0.3542 0.47 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
cuhkrun1G cuhk.lam 0.2706 0.6139 0.3757 0.4635 Automatic classification using context feature engineering and context association. 
gDIMACSg9md rutgers.dayanik 0.2529 0.6293 0.3608 0.4603 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
NLM2G nlm-umd.aronson 0.3223 0.5656 0.4107 0.4575 ML methods
Gpars uwisconsin.craven 0.1862 0.7587 0.299 0.4572 averaging the posterior probabilities of selected individual paragraphs as assigned by a maximum entropy classifier trained on full documents
gDIMACSg9w rutgers.dayanik 0.2754 0.5965 0.3768 0.4538 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
THUIRgenGMNG 0.2107 0.6776 0.3214 0.4468 n-gram features. MeSH lib added. 
Gmeta uwisconsin.craven 0.1689 0.7934 0.2785 0.4386 for each document, the posterior probabilites of individiual paragraphs -- as assigned by a primary maximum entropy classifier -- are tallied as a distribution, which is then classified by a secondary maxent classifier
NLM1G nlm-umd.aronson 0.316 0.5405 0.3989 0.4342 Mixture
cuhkrun2G cuhk.lam 0.2109 0.6506 0.3185 0.4293 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances.
Gfull uwisconsin.craven 0.1904 0.6988 0.2993 0.4287 bag-of-words maximum entropy classifier
THUIRgenG1p1 0.1827 0.6506 0.2852 0.3859 Baseline run. Only distanced bigram features. 
gQUNB15 queensu.shatkay 0.2102 0.5676 0.3067 0.3736 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the feature selection was done on each resulting thematic cluster. The selected features were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to GO category.
gNLMF nlm-umd.aronson 0.1887 0.6062 0.2878 0.3693 Voting
gQUT22 queensu.shatkay 0.1811 0.6158 0.2799 0.3628 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the resulting thematic clusters were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to GO category
gQUNB12 queensu.shatkay 0.1603 0.6602 0.258 0.3459 The naive Bayes approach was used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to GO category. The different costs on different misclassifications were taken into account.
cuhkrun3G cuhk.lam 0.1651 0.5637 0.2554 0.3045 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances with all features.
gUCHSCnb1En3 ucolorado.cohen 0.4234 0.3417 0.3782 0.2994 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. More strict feature selection. 
gMUSCUIUC1 uiuc.zhai 0.393 0.2799 0.3269 0.2406 This is triageG task with SVM classification with full vocabulary. 
FTG erasmus.kors 0.2211 0.2876 0.25 0.1955 Fulltext G
gUCHSCnb1En4 ucolorado.cohen 0.5542 0.1776 0.269 0.1646 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. Less strict feature selection. 
gUCHSCsvm ucolorado.cohen 0.406 0.1834 0.2527 0.159 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with Support Vector Machine.  
gMUSCUIUC3 uiuc.zhai 0.0891 0.3456 0.1416 0.0242 This is triageG task with SVM classification with sematnic feature.  Parameter 'j' is set to 20. 
gLRIk3 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.0998 0.1158 0.1072 0.0209 Automatic + List + Rap .
gLRIk2 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.1 0.1023 0.1011 0.0186 Automatic + list.
gLRIk1 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.0938 0.1023 0.0979 0.0125 Automatic
gMUSCUIUC2 uiuc.zhai 0.0706 0.1737 0.1004 -0.0342 This is triageG task with SVM classification with sematnic feature.  Parameter 'j' is set to 8. 
0.0706 0.1023 0.0979 -0.0342
0.2102 0.6506 0.3185 0.4575
0.5542 0.9363 0.423 0.587

Plot for GO categorization subtask:


Categorization Task Tumor Subtask

Results and system descriptions for tunor categorization subtask:

Tag Group Prec Recall Fscore Utility Description
tDIMACSg9w rutgers.dayanik 0.0709 1 0.1325 0.9433 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
TSVM0035 ibm.kanungo 0.0685 1 0.1282 0.9411 Tumor task, use support vector machine with full text representation (tuned threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
tDIMACSg9md rutgers.dayanik 0.0556 1 0.1053 0.9264 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Gaussian prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
tFduMarsI fudan.niu 0.1061 0.95 0.191 0.9154 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM
tFduMarsII fudan.niu 0.099 0.95 0.1792 0.9126 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, Certain Domain Retrieval Otherness Model, SVM, specified feature
tIBMIRLmet ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.0945 0.95 0.1719 0.9106 classifying using svmlight the document set obtained as positive after the rules (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file). 
tDIMACSl9w rutgers.dayanik 0.0444 1 0.0851 0.9069 Fulltext obtained from journal articles' subject, title, abstract and body fields were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained, and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
TBBR0004SThr ibm.kanungo 0.0436 1 0.0835 0.905 Tumor task, First use bayesian regression with full text representation (derived threshold) and MH_Mesh check. Second, use output from SVM for sanity check.
cuhkrun3T cuhk.lam 0.0426 1 0.0818 0.9028 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances with all features.
tibmadz05m2 ibm.zhang 0.0757 0.95 0.1402 0.8998 Combined classifiers with cross-validation thresholding. 
tDUTCat1 dalianu.yang 0.0745 0.95 0.1382 0.8989 Titles, absracts, bodies are used to represent the documents,  backspace-separated words as features, a svm classifier , set weights using tfidf, all texts are processed with A Biomedical Named Entity Recognizer(abner). 
tibmadz05s ibm.zhang 0.0688 0.95 0.1284 0.8944 Single classifiers. 
tibmadz05m1 ibm.zhang 0.0674 0.95 0.1258 0.8931 Combined classifiers with probability thresholding. 
TBBR0004 ibm.kanungo 0.0376 1 0.0725 0.8892 Tumor task, use bayesian regression with full text representation (derived threshold) and MH_Mesh check.
tDUTCat2 dalianu.yang 0.035 1 0.0677 0.8807 Titles, absracts are used to represent the documents, backspace-separated words as features, a svm classifier , set weights using tfidf.
tNTUMACwj ntu.chen 0.0518 0.95 0.0982 0.8747 Mesh30+Caption30+wjAbstract30+AbstractSEM10+CaptionSEM30
tIBMIRLrul ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.0415 0.95 0.0795 0.855 applying rules (mesh term and class specific term in medline record), formed using the training set,  on the document set obtained after MH - Mice screening 
cuhkrun1T cuhk.lam 0.0769 0.9 0.1417 0.8532 Automatic classification using context feature engineering and context association. 
tFduMarsIII fudan.niu 0.0286 1 0.0556 0.8528 Porter Stemmer, Pubmed Stopword, MeSH Tree Extracted Knowledge, Rocchio
tNTUMAC ntu.chen 0.0526 0.9 0.0994 0.8299 Mesh30+Caption30+Abstract30+AbstractSEM10+CaptionSEM30
tDIMACSl9md rutgers.dayanik 0.0323 0.95 0.0625 0.8268 Article title, abstract and MEDLINE MeSH terms were used for document representation. Text representation  stemmed, logtf-idf, cosine normalization.  A classifier, Bayesian Binary Regression (BBR) with Laplace prior, was trained and used to make predictions with maximum expected effectiveness threshold tuning.
Tpars uwisconsin.craven 0.0317 0.95 0.0613 0.8242 averaging the posterior probabilities of selected individual paragraphs as assigned by a maximum entropy classifier trained on full documents
ABPLUST erasmus.kors 0.0314 0.95 0.0607 0.8229 Abstracts plus mesh headings plus chemicals T
Tfull uwisconsin.craven 0.0443 0.9 0.0845 0.816 bag-of-words maximum entropy classifier
Tmeta uwisconsin.craven 0.0523 0.85 0.0986 0.7833 for each document, the posterior probabilites of individiual paragraphs -- as assigned by a primary maximum entropy classifier -- are tallied as a distribution, which is then classified by a secondary maxent classifier
THUIRgenT1p5 0.0213 0.95 0.0417 0.761 Baseline run. Only distanced bigram features. 
TOHSUSL ohsu.hersh 0.0254 0.9 0.0493 0.7502 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Slipper2 classifier
tQUNB3 queensu.shatkay 0.0244 0.9 0.0474 0.7439 The naive Bayes approach was used for for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to Tumor category. The different costs on different misclassifications were taken into account.
TOHSUBF ohsu.hersh 0.0192 0.95 0.0376 0.7396 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Best-single feature classifier
TOHSUVP ohsu.hersh 0.0237 0.9 0.0462 0.7394 abstract title, word, MeSH, and gene tokens Chi-square feature selection Voting perceptron classifier
tMUSCUIUC3 uiuc.zhai 0.3182 0.7 0.4375 0.6935 This is triageG task with SVM classification with sematnic feature and augmented training cases.  Parameter 'j' is set to 20. Records without MeSH terms under the subtree 'neoplasma'.
tIBMIRLsvm ibm-india.ramakrishnan 0.0308 0.8 0.0593 0.6909 classifying using  SVM  documents (vectors  mesh terms + class specific terms using the dic file)  obtained after MH - Mice screening 
tQUT10 queensu.shatkay 0.0132 1 0.026 0.6758 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the resulting thematic clusters were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to the Tumor category.
tMUSCUIUC2 uiuc.zhai 0.0828 0.7 0.1481 0.6665 This is triageG task with SVM classification with sematnic feature and augmented training cases.  Parameter 'j' is set to 20. 
tQUT14 queensu.shatkay 0.3095 0.65 0.4194 0.6437 The probabilistic approach was used for creating probabilistic models of thematic clusters of all the irrelevant documents first, and the resulting thematic clusters were then used for classification into "in"/"out" with respect to the Tumor category.
NLM1T nlm-umd.aronson 0.0813 0.65 0.1444 0.6182 Mixture
NLM2T nlm-umd.aronson 0.0813 0.65 0.1444 0.6182 ML methods
tMUSCUIUC1 uiuc.zhai 0.3429 0.6 0.4364 0.595 This is triageG task with SVM classification with sematnic feature.  Parameter 'j' is set to 20. 
tNTUMACasem ntu.chen 0.0339 0.65 0.0645 0.5699 AbstractSEM10
LPC7 langpower.yang 0.3548 0.55 0.4314 0.5457 System built using rule-based NLP parsing and concept-based indexing.
FTT erasmus.kors 0.0893 0.5 0.1515 0.4779 Fulltext T
tNLMF nlm-umd.aronson 0.0207 0.55 0.0399 0.4372 Voting
cuhkrun2T cuhk.lam 0.0268 0.4 0.0503 0.3372 Customized learning by exploiting the symmetric property of attributes and instances.
tUCHSCnb1En3 ucolorado.cohen 0.1935 0.3 0.2353 0.2946 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. More strict feature selection. 
tUCHSCnb1En4 ucolorado.cohen 0.375 0.15 0.2143 0.1489 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with NaiveBayes. Less strict feature selection. 
tLRIk2 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.0909 0.1 0.0952 0.0957 Automatic + list.
tLRIk1 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.087 0.1 0.093 0.0955 Automatic
tLRIk3 uparis-sud.kodratoff 0.069 0.1 0.0816 0.0942 Automatic + list + rap.
tUCHSCsvm ucolorado.cohen 1 0.05 0.0952 0.05 Categorized based on select bigrams, extracted strain names, and mesh terms. Classifications performed with Support Vector Machine.  
Tcsusm2 csusm.guillen 0.0256 0.05 0.0339 0.0418 A third pass was added at the end for this run. In this pass we  filtered the documents left from the second pass using the keywords not to choose documents. The decision making process was also done with decision rules.
Tcsusm1 csusm.guillen 0.0244 0.05 0.0328 0.0413 The documents went through two passes. In the first pass we selected those documents containing the keywords as they  appear in Area tumor column "Always select" (Library Triage Cheat Sheet). In a second pass we discarded those documents including Cell Lines for mouse and human (Library Triage Cheat Sheet). The decision making process in both passes is done with decision rules
0.0132 0.05 0.026 0.0413
0.0526 0.9 0.0952 0.761
1 1 0.4375 0.9433

Plot for tumor categorization subtask:
