A tool for Computing Equivalence Groups in Repeated Measures Studies

Aaron M. Cohen and Shannon K. McWeeney



A hallmark of bioinformatics tool and algorithm evaluation is the comparison of results for a large number of systems on the same set of test cases to compare performance. Our tool, RMEQ (Repeated Measure Equivalents) makes it simple to analyze systems evaluated in this manner and separate systems into distinct, statistically indistinguishable performance groups.


Note that the version of RPy required depends upon the versions of R and Python that you have or wish to install.


python rmeq.py datafile system-header test-case-header score-header alpha (min|max) (rank)? 

The program takes several arguments:


Download the Python source code here.

Sample Run

To get you started, here is some artificially created sample data in the correct input format:

1 SA T1 10
2 SB T1 5
3 SC T1 7
4 SA T2 9
5 SB T2 7
6 SC T2 8
7 SA T3 9
8 SB T3 5
9 SC T3 4
10 SA T4 10
11 SB T4 5
12 SC T4 6

Download the sample data file here.

Running RMEQ on the above data produces the following command-line output on a Windows XP machine:

C:>python rmeq.py rmeq-sample-data.tsv.txt SYSTEM TASK SCORE 0.05 max rank

RHOME= C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.0
RVER= 2040
Loading the R DLL C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.0\bin\R.dll .. Done.
Loading Rpy version 2040 .. Done.
Creating the R object 'r' .. Done

RANK GROUP 1 (top = SA): ('SA',)
RANK GROUP 2 (top = None): ('SB', 'SC')


The first group of lines is produced by the RPy library when initializing the interface to R. The next group of two lines show the output of RMEQ. The SA system was placed alone in the top rank group. Systems SB and SC are both placed in the second rank group.


To cite RMEQ, please use the following reference:

Cohen AM, McWeeney SK. RMEQ: A tool for computing equivalence groups in repeated measures studies. In: Linking Literature, Information and Knowledge for Biology: Proceedings of the BioLINK2008 Workshop; 2008; Toronto, ON; (in press).


  1. Maxwell, S. E. and Delaney, H. D. (2003) Designing Experiments and Analyzing Data: A Model Comparison Perspective.
  2. Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, New Jersey. Moreira, W. and Warnes, G. R. (2007) RPy (R from Python). http://rpy.sourceforge.net/
  3. Python Software Foundation (2007) Python Programming Language. http://www.python.org/
  4. R Development Core Team (2007) R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. http://www.R-project.org