{ "@Owner": "NLM", "@Status": "MEDLINE", "Article": { "@PubModel": "Print", "Abstract": { "AbstractText": { "$": "Four cases of tension pneumoperitoneum are described. In 3 patients this condition followed a perforation of a grossly distended caecum. In 2 of these patients there was an associated malignant neoplasm of the pelvic colon with obstruction. The third patient had a pseudo-obstruction of the transverse colon. The fourth patient had a tension penumoperitoneum with associated surgical emphysema in the neck and subcutaneous tissues of the abdomen and chest walls, following perforation of a duodenal ulcer. The aetiology, presentation and management, together with the mechanism of tension pneumoperitoneum, are discussed." } }, "ArticleTitle": { "$": "Tension pneumoperitoneum: a report of 4 cases." }, "AuthorList": { "@CompleteYN": "Y", "Author": [ { "@ValidYN": "Y", "ForeName": { "$": "N V" }, "Initials": { "$": "NV" }, "LastName": { "$": "Addison" } }, { "@ValidYN": "Y", "ForeName": { "$": "A C" }, "Initials": { "$": "AC" }, "LastName": { "$": "Broughton" } } ] }, "Journal": { "ISOAbbreviation": { "$": "Br J Surg" }, "ISSN": { "$": "0007-1323", "@IssnType": "Print" }, "JournalIssue": { "@CitedMedium": "Print", "Issue": { "$": "11" }, "PubDate": { "Month": { "$": "Nov" }, "Year": { "$": "1976" } }, "Volume": { "$": "63" } }, "Title": { "$": "The British journal of surgery" } }, "Language": { "$": "eng" }, "Pagination": { "MedlinePgn": { "$": "877-80" } }, "PublicationTypeList": { "PublicationType": [ { "$": "Case Reports" }, { "$": "Journal Article" } ] } }, "CitationSubset": [ { "$": "AIM" }, { "$": "IM" } ], "DateCompleted": { "Day": { "$": "16" }, "Month": { "$": "02" }, "Year": { "$": "1977" } }, "DateCreated": { "Day": { "$": "16" }, "Month": { "$": "02" }, "Year": { "$": "1977" } }, "DateRevised": { "Day": { "$": "17" }, "Month": { "$": "11" }, "Year": { "$": "2004" } }, "MedlineJournalInfo": { "Country": { "$": "ENGLAND" }, "ISSNLinking": { "$": "0007-1323" }, "MedlineTA": { "$": "Br J Surg" }, "NlmUniqueID": { "$": "0372553" } }, "MeshHeadingList": { "MeshHeading": [ { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Aged", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Cecal Diseases", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" }, "QualifierName": { "$": "complications", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Colonic Diseases", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" }, "QualifierName": { "$": "complications", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Female", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Humans", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Intestinal Perforation", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" }, "QualifierName": { "$": "complications", "@MajorTopicYN": "Y" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Male", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Middle Aged", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" } }, { "DescriptorName": { "$": "Pneumoperitoneum", "@MajorTopicYN": "N" }, "QualifierName": { "$": "etiology", "@MajorTopicYN": "Y" } } ] }, "PMID": { "$": "1000185", "@Version": "1" } }